Monday 6 August 2012

The Man-Eating Stone.

The Man-Eating Stone.

Kingdom: Animal
Class: Mammal
Location: Found in tropical locations such as rainforest and the kidneys of middle age men.
Notes: Biological attraction to Muslim women who commit adultery.

The Man Eating Stone know by it's scientific name Rocky Geodude  , The Man Eating Rock has been know to terrorize the marshy environment of East America. Below I have indicated on a world map where Rocky Geodude maybe found.

The above shows the approximate location of the Man Eating Stone.  I have traveled for over 20 years searching for this elusive creature. In the year 2002 I finally discovered one live. I was able to catch a picture of it before it scampered away. I have attached the picture below but be warned it is quite graphic and shouldn't be viewed by children.

Man-Eating Rock - Man Eating Stone

I'm Sorry you had to see that....  Before it ran away I was able to document some of it's behaviors. 


It appears that the Man Eating Stone is a pansexual,homosexual,heterosexual,asexual, female gender identifying creature.It has been know to be sexually attracted to humans , and I have personally been anally raped by one. From me having  consensual sex being raped I have outlined their reproductive parts. 


They have been known to eat humans, that's why when I had my encounter with one I was sure to bring my 40 caliber pistol.

I will update as more news on this creature becomes available.

1 comment:

  1. The rock sure has a lot of sexual reproductive parts.
