Monday 6 August 2012

The Man-Eating Stone.

The Man-Eating Stone.

Kingdom: Animal
Class: Mammal
Location: Found in tropical locations such as rainforest and the kidneys of middle age men.
Notes: Biological attraction to Muslim women who commit adultery.

The Man Eating Stone know by it's scientific name Rocky Geodude  , The Man Eating Rock has been know to terrorize the marshy environment of East America. Below I have indicated on a world map where Rocky Geodude maybe found.

The above shows the approximate location of the Man Eating Stone.  I have traveled for over 20 years searching for this elusive creature. In the year 2002 I finally discovered one live. I was able to catch a picture of it before it scampered away. I have attached the picture below but be warned it is quite graphic and shouldn't be viewed by children.

Killer Mango

Killer Mango

Kingdom: Animal
Class: Mammal
Location: Unknown (possibly a mango tree)
Notes: Known to be self-conscious about body,refuses to remove shirt when going to pool.

The Killer Mango. One of the most feared creatures in Eastern Hemisphere. The Killer Mango (douches mileycyrus) is know for its ferocious attacks on the human population. Very few people have seen one alive............I am one of these people........well ok actually I'm not but I know a guy.


The Killer Mango is known to rip it's prey apart with its sharp,dagger like teeth, as illustrated below

Because of these teeth the Killer Mango can eat anything but choose to be vegan....because PETA told him too.